Along with Aidilfitri celebration that is just around the corner, ANDORRIANs feel more than honoured to have been able to organize a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme, ANDORRA WITH LOVE 2.0 to celebrate the residence of Pusat Jagaan Al-Fikrah Malaysia.
Even though this programme is an annual event, the excitement shone amongst the residents when they saw our arrival was refreshing.
The residents told us a lot about their daily activities, what they do to kill time and showed us the plants that they grew and the fish pond as well as the animal farm that they worked together on.
ANDORRIANs capturing some memories with a resident of Pusat Jagaan Al-Fikrah.
Our CEO, Puan Aspalela Ramly seemed a little scared of the friendly goats.
The day was filled with activities that bonded us with the residents. We were brought around the home for a mini tour and when it was almost over, it was time to give out some gifts for the residents.
It was heartwarming to see their smiles and laughter when our Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Puan Aspalela Ramly gave out some gifts and duit raya to them.
Seeing their joyful faces was not a usual sight for us, so it was not a surprise that it made some of us who were there teared up.
We hope to see the hopeful, smiling faces of the residents of Pusat Jagaan Al-Fikrah Malaysia on another CSR program of ANDORRA, ANDORRA WITH LOVE 3.0 soon.
The President of Pusat Jagaan Al-Fikrah, Tuan Haji Azmi Mohd Zain receiving a gift from our CEO, Puan Aspalela Ramly.
Ms Saleha from Cryocord donating walking sticks and toilet seats to the residents of Pusat Jagaan Al-Fikrah.
Thank you to the President of Pusat Jagaan Al-Fikrah, Tuan Haji Azmi Mohd Zain for having us and Ms Saleha from Cryocord for the donation of walking sticks and toilet seats.
Pusat Jagaan Al-Fikrah is a care centre which houses men and women with disabilities, chronic diseases, senior citizens, and people with no family.