Malaysia is known as a country that is developing vastly. However, without proper reach and awareness on the pros of vaccination for children, there are still parents that opt to refuse vaccination for their kids - fearing that it would cause alleged side effects such as autism and other cognitive abilities.
The awareness of how vaccination works and discussion of the myths surrounding it is important for parents to know upon their journey into parenthood to ensure their children live a healthy and happy life while being vaccinated according to the immunization schedule as highlighted by the Ministry of Health (MOH).
Myth #1: Vaccines are unsafe
TRUTH: Vaccines are very safe! In fact, your child is more likely to be harmed by a vaccine-preventable illness than by the vaccine! All vaccines go through rigorous safety testing before they are approved for the public.
Myth #2: Vaccines will make my baby sick
TRUTH: Vaccines are safe and serious side effects rare. Most sickness or discomfort after vaccination is minor and temporary, e.g. soreness at the injection site or mild fever. Extensive studies show that there is no evidence of a link between vaccines and autism. If you are concerned, contact your child's doctor.
Myth #3: I can vaccinate my child later
TRUTH: Any delay in getting your child vaccinated, leaves him/her at risk of vaccine-preventable diseases. The best way to protect your child is to follow the schedule set by the MOH, in consultation with your doctor.
Vaccinations can prepare children to protect themselves against serious, deadly diseases. For more information on immunisation facts and concerns from the MOH, click here.
Should you feel you have doubts or unsure questions about child vaccination, you can always seek a medical practitioner or a paediatrician near your or get to know our Paediatricians at ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital. Vaccination packages are also available for parents looking forward to a comprehensive package upon delivery at ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital.
See you soon!
UNICEF Malaysia, Debunking Myths Debunked!
MyHEALTH Kementrian Kesihatan Malaysia, Imunisasi: Fakta dan Kemusykilan: