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From The Desk of Chief Clinical Officer: Bringing forward ANDORRA's Exceptional Services

Assalammualaikum and Salam Sejahtera, What a magnificent first week. Everyone has been very supportive and helpful on my onboarding. I have felt very welcome and keen to meet as many of you as I can, to see for myself what life at ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital is like.

I am very excited for our organization and its future. My aim is to kick it up a notch and place ANDORRA as the leading women and children Healthcare Centre in Malaysia. Over the coming weeks, my team and I will ‘learn, unlearn and relearn’ about our values, business strategy as well as operating model and re-strategize our Clinical & Ancillary Team’s plans to propel forward.

Haslina Zainuddin, Chief Clinical Officer of ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital

We will be considering key projects the Hospital will need to undertake and focus on. The findings of this exercise will then be evaluated and be provided to the management, in making some strategic decisions for the benefits of the Hospital.

ANDORRA is not a stranger to me. I have started my part time career here 6 months ago to share my experiences and 38 years of journey in healthcare industry with ANDORRA. Little did I know that this wonderful Hospital will have a dear place in my heart. I love how ANDORRA is very unique and different from other healthcare facilities. Its Syariah-friendly services dedicated to serve women and children and women empowerment concept are what I love the most about this Hospital.

With your continuous dedication, we may deliver our strategies systematically to achieve the Hospital's mission and vision - Haslina Zainuddin

From a retiree to now a working mom (or Nenda to my grandchildren), the distinctiveness of ANDORRA's exceptional services is what made me decide to wear my high heels again, grab my laptop, opening the excel sheets along with word documents, read reports and experience the 9:00am to 5:00pm working hours again. Most importantly, I am excited to work with everyone and cannot wait to see what we can bring to the table to position ANDORRA as the leading women and children hospital.

My late father always taught me to be sincere, passionate, patient and diligent in whatever we do. I will always hold on to his advice and I am confident that, with your continuous dedication, we may deliver our strategies systematically to achieve the Hospital's mission and vision.

Finally, I am keen to hear directly from you on how we can move forward together. I am really looking ahead to meeting as many people as possible and welcome any ideas to make the magic happen. Whoever you are, my door is always open.

Until then, take care and stay safe.

Thank you.

Haslina Zainuddin,

Chief Clinical Officer,

ANDORRA Women & Children Hospital

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